Quarter Notes Triplets in 3/4
jazz drumming #idea 56
by Tim Lake
The quarter-note triplet is an interesting and useful way to develop rhythmic and poly-rhythmic phrases in 4/4 for comping and soloing. Here we are applying a quarter-note triplet to 3/4 time. This is a fun rhythm and coordination challenge, that will open up some rhythmic possibilities in 3/4.
Figure [A] shows quarter-note-triplets played over four bars. Play this on the snare with the foot pattern underneath. Play it round and round until it is stable and flowing. It will help to count the triplets to help make sure everything falls in the right place.
Start with single strokes, then try it with doubles. Practice starting from either hand.
Quarter-note-triplets start from two positions: the downbeat or the second triplet beat. To do this in 3/4, start the pattern from the second bar, applying the same stickings.
Figure [B] adds an accent to the first beat of each quarter-note-triplet group. This creates an interesting poly-rhythmic pattern played over the 3/4 foot pattern. Try moving the accents to the toms.
Next time will use this idea to create some comping ideas in 3/4.
Have fun. Make music.
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jazz-drumming_idea56-quarter-note-triplets-34.pdf (43.3 KiB)